SMBC Group's Financial and Credit Portfolio slide image

SMBC Group's Financial and Credit Portfolio

Foreign currency assets and funding Non-JPY Balance sheet development Non-JPY Balance sheet overview *1 (as of Sep. 23) (USD bn) 600 (USD bn) 600 (USD bn) Deposits Med-Long term funding Loans, etc 402.9 400.6 384.3 400.0 363.6 550 550 343.1 352.8 337.6 340.2 361.2 340.7 130.0 300.0 128.7 140.0 143.7 500 500 117.4 Deposits (incl. deposits from 450 Interest earning assets 450 200.0 central banks) (Loans, trade bills 400 and securities, etc.) 350 254.3 262.9 256.9 400 225.7 234.9 100.0 350 0.0 Mar. 20 Mar. 21 Mar. 22 Mar. 23 Sep. 23 300 Medium- to long-term funding 300 Currency breakdown (as of Sep. 23) 250 (incl. Corporate bonds, 250 Currency swaps, etc.) Interest-earning 200 Others (incl. highly liquid assets) *2 CDs & CP 150 150 200 assets Deposits Medium-long term funding *3 AUD Others EUR 100 50 60 Others Others 100 AUD GBP Foreign bonds, NCD Interbank (incl. Repo) GBP 50 USD USD EUR EUR Assets Liabilities USD *1 Managerial accounting basis. Sum of SMBC and major local subsidiaries *2 Deposits placed with central banks, etc. *3 Excludes JPY funding, certificate of deposits and transferable deposits. Among all bonds priced by Sep. 23, only includes issuance with original maturity of two years or more and its tap issue as of Sep. 23. Translated into USD at the exchange rates as of the end of Sep. 23 Copyright © 2023 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group. All Rights Reserved. 18
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