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Investor Presentaiton

Back to Table of Contents. Flow Statement for Regulatory Capital (in $ millions) Q2 2023 Revised Basel III Q1 2023 Basel III Q4 2022 Basel III Q3 2022 Basel III Q2 2022 Basel III Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital Opening amount Net income attributable to equity holders of the Bank Dividends paid to equity holders of the Bank Shares issued Shares repurchased/redeemed 54,138 2,133 53,081 51,639 51,547 52,150 1,732 2,055 2,540 2,669 (1,331) (1,329) (1,333) (1,265) (1,269) 428 25 5 7 590 (128) (409) (1,250) Removal of own credit spread (net of tax) (1,203) 893 (307) (448) (646) ECL transitional adjustment (75) 27 (6) (34) Movements in other comprehensive income (OCI), excluding cash flow hedges Currency translation differences 1,833 (12) 1,451 (601) 640 633 523 2,218 (753) (264) Debt and equity investments fair valued through OCI Employee Benefits 162 415 (636) (148) (473) (163) (133) (24) (135) 778 Other 1,201 (817) (107) 435 599 Goodwill and other intangible assets (deduction, net of related tax liability) Other, including regulatory adjustments and transitional arrangements (163) (254) (384) 178 (18) (315) 77 56 96 (1,285) Deferred tax assets that rely on future probability 1 (44) (18) 7 107 Threshold deductions Other Closing Amount Other Additional Tier 1 capital Opening amount Capital issuances (316) 121 Z 74 55,520 54,138 53,081 89 (1,392) 51,639 51,547 8,179 8,181 7,162 5,654 5,761 1,023 1,500 Redeemed capital (Qualifying and Non-Qualifying) Phase out of non-qualifying capital Other, capital including regulatory adjustments and transitional arrangements (NVCC) (11) (2) (4) 8 (107) Closing Amount 8,168 8,179 8,181 7,162 5,654 Total Tier 1 capital 63,688 62,317 61,262 58,801 57,201 Tier 2 capital Opening amount 9,550 9,448 9,285 9,427 7,616 Capital issuances 337 3,356 Redeemed capital (Qualifying and Non-Qualifying) (1) (24) (2) (1,251) Phase out of non-qualifying capital Amortization adjustments (30) (293) (37) 1 (5) Other, including regulatory adjustments and transitional adjustments (NVCC) (10) 58 224 (141) (289) Closing Amount 9,509 9,550 9,448 9,285 9,427 Total regulatory capital 73,197 71,867 70,710 68,086 66,628 Scotiabank Supplementary Regulatory Capital Disclosure Page 78 of 88
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