International Presence and Activities slide image

International Presence and Activities

FINANCIAL FIGURES BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Loans to Customers +4.6% EUR min 14,078 14,083 14,125 14,451 Retail -mortgage Retail other lending 14,724 Strong growth in Retail lending is driven by active participation on the Mortgage lending, which continued in 2020 despite the starting impacts of COVID-19 Corporate lending while keeping strong lending market position, has however decreased slightly over the year, mainly due to public sector and also one-off transaction of transferring VUB Leasing financing to ISP Corporate 4Q2019 1Q2020 2Q2020 3Q2020 4Q2020 EUR mln Customer Deposits +9.0% 11,905 11,847 12,198 12,535 12,978 4Q2019 1Q2020 Source: Individual financial statements as of 31 December 2020 2Q2020 3Q2020 4Q2020 The Bank increased the base of customers deposits (YoY 9%) and thus preserved its liquidity position. In order to support further growth of loans, the Bank remains focused mainly on the retail deposits in the upcoming period. This allows the Group to focus on further improvement of the main services to customers such as loans to households, municipalities companies and 28
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