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Investor Presentaiton

3-3. 8th Fiscal Period (Ending July 2020) Earnings Forecast Mitsui Fudosan MFLP Logistics Park Inc. 7th period Actual 8th period Forecast (a) (b) Difference (b)-(a) Main breakdown of difference <Reference> 9th period Forecast (Unit: million yen) Operating revenue 5,064 6,381 1,317 Operating revenue 6,665 Increase due to properties acquired in the 8th FP (MFLP Prologis Park Kawagoe (50%), Hiroshima I, Sakai (80%)) +1,291 Operating expenses 2,748 3,600 852 3,735*2 Of which, Depreciation 1,326 1,714 387 Increase in photovoltaic power generation facilities rent revenue (excluding properties acquired in the 8th FP) Decrease in other operating revenue +42 - 16 1,745 (those related to properties only) Operating income 2,315 2,780 464 2,929 Operating expenses Non-operating income 26 33 7 Increase due to properties acquired in the 8th FP (MFLP Prologis Park Kawagoe (50%), Hiroshima I, Sakai (80%)) +565 Expensing of fixed asset tax and city planning tax for properties acquired in the 6th FP +155 Non-operating expenses 103 186 82 62 (MFLP Hino (10%), Tsukuba (40%), Inazawa, Atsugi II, Fukuoka I, MFIP Inzai (80%)) 127 Increase in asset management fee +79 Increase in other operating expenses +52 Ordinary income 2,238 2,627 389 2,802 Profit (Net income) 2,237 2,626 389 Non-operating expenses 2,801 Interest expenses +24 Offering costs associated with issuance of +27 investment units Distribution per unit (DPU) (yen) 6,584 6,890 306 Amortization of investment unit issuance 7,217 +15 expenses Other non-operating expenses +16 Of which, 5,905 5,956 51 6,353 Distribution of earnings per unit (EPU) (yen) Of which, Distribution in excess of earnings per unit (yen) 679 934 255 *1 The simple average of the occupancy rates as of the end of each month in each fiscal period is indicated. 864 Distribution in excess of earnings 19.4% 24.0% expressed as a percentage of depreciation Average occupancy rate during the period*1 99.4% 99.7% *2 The fixed asset tax and city planning tax (170 million yen) for the properties acquired in the 8th FP(MFLP Prologis Park Kawagoe 50%, MFLP Hiroshima I, MFLP Sakai 80%) is not included and will be recorded in and after the 10th FP. 21.8% 100% 12
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