InspireMD Company Overview slide image

InspireMD Company Overview

Stroke prevention in carotid artery disease: Surgery vs. Stenting Based on the CREST clinical trial data, in which only conventional carotid stents were used Carotid Endarterectomy (CEA) • Low stroke risk¹, but... • . Invasive; risk of surgical complications • Myocardial Infarction¹1 Risk of cranial nerve injury2 Esthetic concern InspireMD Filter Protected Stenting (CAS) Patient friendly, long-term durability1, Non-Invasive; risk complications • Procedural minor stroke risk (with conventional stents)1 Post-procedural minor stroke risk (with conventional stents)1 CREST: 2.1% unresolved facial nerve at 6 months 2 (80% motor) 1CREST Trial: N Engl J Med 2010;363:11-23 2 Circulation. 2012;125:2256-2264 6
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