Investor Presentaiton
Important Disclosures
Arena Investors
The following is being provided solely in relation to Arena Investors, LP, its funds, subsidiaries and affiliates:
Returns shown are unaudited. Past performance is not indicative or a reliable indicator of future performance. Actual results may vary.
The information set forth herein does not purport to be complete, is unaudited and subject to change. Arena has no obligation to update or revise such information. Unless otherwise stated, the information contained herein is current as of the date of
the presentation.
This document does not constitute investment advice nor is it a recommendation or an offer of investment advisory services or products. No person in any jurisdiction may treat this document as a solicitation or offer of any advisory product or service. A
prospective investor must rely solely on the terms and associated disclosures in any final offering memoranda, investment management agreement and associated subscription documents (if any), which would constitute the only basis upon which
offerings of any product or service may be made.
Investments in Arena vehicles are speculative in nature and involve risk. There can be no assurance that investment objectives will be achieved and investment results may vary substantially over time. These investments are not intended to be a
complete investment program for any investor. There is no secondary market for an investor's interest in Arena funds and none is expected to develop. Arena's funds are not registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and accordingly are
not extensively regulated. Opportunities for redemption and transferability of interests are restricted, so investors may not have access to capital when it is needed. Leverage may be employed in the funds, which can make investment performance
volatile. Valuation of the investments may involve uncertainties and the exercise of judgment. An investor should not make an investment unless the investor is prepared to lose all or a substantial portion of its investment. The fees and expenses
charged in connection with investments may be higher than the fees and expenses of other investment alternatives and may offset profits, and the performance-based compensation paid to Arena may create an incentive for Arena to make more
speculative investments than would otherwise be the case. Arena has total authority and control over its funds and the use of a single advisor applying generally similar investment programs could mean a lack of diversification and, consequently,
higher risk. For a comprehensive list of risk factors, an investor must review the risk factors as specified in the related confidential information memorandum for a specific fund or investment management agreement, which will be made available upon
The information provided herein should not be considered a recommendation regarding a particular investment. The actual and potential investments discussed herein are meant to be examples of Arena's investment approach. It should not be
assumed that any of the investments discussed herein will prove to be profitable, or that the investment recommendations or decisions made by Arena in the future will be profitable. The particular investments discussed herein are those that most
closely represent the current average-sized Arena investment in a particular category (Corporate Private Credit, Real Estate Private Credit, Commercial and Industrial Assets, Structured Finance and Consumer Assets).
In addition, performance of market indices is being provided for the purpose of making general market data available as a point of reference only. We believe there are no known directly comparable indices for the Arena Special Opportunities
Strategies composite which is comprised of the Arena Special Opportunities Fund, LP and Arena Special Opportunities (Offshore) Master, LP (collectively the "Fund"). The Fund's investments are not limited to the investments listed by the market
indices. The Fund may invest in different securities and engage in different trading strategies from the indices. In addition, it should be noted that the sector, industry, stock and country exposures, volatility, risk characteristics and holdings of the Fund
differ materially from those of the indices. The indices do not reflect fees and expenses associated with the active management of portfolios. The performance returns of the indices were obtained from Bloomberg and other third-party sources and
include the reinvestment of earnings. Although Arena believes these sources to be reliable, it is not responsible for errors or omissions from these sources.
Market indices used: The Standard & Poor's LSTA Leveraged Loan 100 Index is a capitalization-weighted syndicated loan index that seeks to mirror the performance of the 100 largest syndicated loans in the levered loan market. Leveraged loans are
senior secured debt obligations rated below investment grade. The index information provided is for illustrative purposes only. The Fund's strategy does not track the index and can significantly vary than that of the performance on the indexes
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