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Investor Presentaiton

TMK "tax qualifying" conditions Conditions to be a "tax qualifying" TMK 1. The TMK is duly registered under Article 8 of the current TMK law; 2. At least one of the following conditions is satisfied: a. The TMK has issued corporate bonds which are offered to the public, as provided in Article 2-3-1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law, and the issuance amount is JPY 100 million or more; b. The TMK has issued corporate bonds which are fully subscribed by and are expected to be continued to be held by Tax QII; C. The TMK has issued preferred equity units which are subscribed by 50 or more investors; or d. The TMK has issued preferred equity units which are subscribed to only by Tax QIls. 3. More than 50% of the total issuance price of any preferred equity issued, and more than 50% of the total issuance price of any specified equity issued, must be for, respectively, preferred equity and specified equity issued in Japan. 4. The TMK's fiscal year does not exceed one year. Although there are four “securitisation" events available to the TMK, the practical reality is that the Tax QII bond issuance is the option which is adopted in practice. Note that there is no minimum issuance amount prescribed for this and the necessary amount should be considered on both absolute and relative terms based on the specific investment. This is an important requirement because it effectively requires that the majority of the TMK's equity must be issued domestically. Since a domestic shareholder will be subject to a higher level of taxation than an offshore shareholder this has the effect of increasing the overall Japanese tax rate on an investment ultimately held 100% from offshore. KPMG © 2023 KPMG Tax Corporation, a tax corporation incorporated under the Japanese CPTA Law and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Document Classification: KPMG Confidential 9
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