Investor Presentaiton
The Main Fiscal Reform of Managing Public Finance
2003 Agentúra pre riadenie dlhu a likvidity
2023 Dobi and Liquidity Management Agency
In 2023 the Parliament approved ceilings on public expenditure for 2023-2025.
The ceilings now serve as a main operation tool to achieve long-term fiscal sustainability starting from 2023 and
thereafter for whole election period as from 2024
✓ Calculation of expenditure limits is based on risks of long-term sustainability indicator and executed and
updated by independent Council for Budget Responsibility
✓ Required structural consolidation of 0.5% of GDP in case of high/medium risks and 0.25% in case of low risks
Expenditure ceilings incorporate escape clauses that can be triggered in circumstances of economic
downturn of 0% or -3%, or one-off measures related to extraordinary events
✓ Ceilings are also tied to EU general escape clause (still active in 2023)
Amendment of debt brake rule that would strengthen waiting for final approval by Parliament
✓ Main changes come with substituting indicator from gross to net debt
Rationalizing of sanctions while enhancing their enforcement
✓ Modification of escape clauses to ensure flexibility
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