Inspirato Financial Projections and Business Highlights slide image

Inspirato Financial Projections and Business Highlights

INSPIRATO As pandemic concerns ease and restrictions lift, pent up demand has been stronger than expected Total Nights Booked¹ 35,373 29,107 49,705 35,067 28,981 56,732 27,747 38,185 47,292 Q1 '19 Q1'20 Q1'21 Q2'19 Q2 '20 Q2 '21 Q3 '19 Q3 '20 Q3 '21 New Active Subscribers² 605 601 Q1 '19 886 Q1'20 Q1'21 601 288 1,076 759 543 978 Q2 '19 Q2 '20 Q2 '21 Q3 '19 Q3 '20 Q3 '21 Source: Inspirato internal systems as of 09/30/2021 Notes: 1. 2. Total Nights Booked includes all Paid, Inspirato Pass, employee and other complimentary nights in all residences and hotels; excludes bookings from experience travel and Inspirato Travel Services New Active Subscribers as of 09/30/2021 includes all new subscribers who have one or more Active Subscription(s). CONFIDENTIAL 38
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