Pet Retail Market and Valuation Outlook slide image

Pet Retail Market and Valuation Outlook

Appendix 39 六 126 | 39. ESG (B): Materiality Matrix We made a materiality matrix to understand how aspects involving Planet, Petz and People affected both shareholders and the business. What was taken in consideration? Business: 1. How does this impact the operation? 2. Business Stakeholders 3. How would a change in it affect the outside view? How is it correlated to the final purpose of the firm? Transporation and Packing Impacts 50 20 Carbon emission 40 40 Stakeholders: 1. How does this impact the future expectations? Collaborates Wellbeing 80 50 2. How would a change in it affect profitability? Labour Practices 70 70 Product and Services Quality 85 85 Pet's Welfare 100 Tutor's Wellbeing 85 Access to quality information 90 Ethics and Business Conduct 65 Sourcing Responsibility 70 Management Quality and Alignment 80 ESG Transparency 40 8 8 8 ४ जै ४ 90 75 70 60 30 80 60 Source: Team 7
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