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Investor Presentaiton

بن داودBin DAWOOD القابضة HOLDING H1 2023 TRADING UPDATE Key Cashflow and Balance Sheet Items (SARm) Trade Working Capital (TWC)¹ 238 437 479 392 268 462 438 485 370 441 Trade Working Capital 951 1027 894 877 911 Trade Working capital decreased by -31.6% at the end of H1 2023 versus FY 2022. Factors impacting TWC : -952 -785 -927 -1251 -1127 Accounts Receivables & Prepayment H1,22 FY,22 Q1,23 H1,23 ■Inventories ■A/R & Payments ■A/P, Accruals & Other Liabilities Comparatively higher receivable balances in H1'23 vs. FY'22 owing to a slow down recoverability rate from the corporate customers. Q1,22 Inventory Inventory has gone up by 3.9% on account of new store opening. However, inventory days are lower at 84 days in H1FY2023 compared to 89 days in 2022 and 113 days in 2021, showing better inventory management and better working capital management. Accounts Payables, Accruals and other Liabilities Account payables were up by 21.6% at SAR 1,127 million in H1 2023 vs FY 2022 due to increased purchases made to cater the rising demand during Hajj and Umrah Seasons. Also, payable days were higher in H1 2023 at 105 days from 93 days in 2022. 113 116 103 93 89 89 84 82 Inventory Days FY'21 Payable Days FY'22 ■Q1'23 H1'23 Source: Company Information, H1 2023 & 2022 (interim FS) and FY 2022, FY2021 Audited FS.. 1Trade working capital defined as inventories + A/R and prepayments - A/P, accruals and other liabilities excluding payables to capex suppliers. Inventory Days = Avg inventory / COGS * no of days Payable days = Accounts Payable X Number of Days/Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) 24 24
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