Invest in the Future. Transform it now. slide image

Invest in the Future. Transform it now.

Transformation agenda 'KfWplus' 2023 - Year of implementation – boosting resilien Promoting transformation - Climate & environment Digitalisation & innovation Managing impact & mobilising private The digital transformation & promotional bank Top-performing KfW 3. Digitalisation 101010101 capital 1. Agility Euro ΓΕ 2. Employee potential 4. Business & operating model, and governance Vision: Becoming THE digital transformation & promotional bank Promotional priorities in the coming years: Climate & Environment and Digitalisation & Innovation; together they represent the dual transformation of the economy and society. Making the impact of our activities measurable: We are developing 50 impact indicators, which will be summarised in a group-wide impact assessment. In addition, private capital is a lever for advancing the transformation. A variety of internal projects to further improve operational excellence. KFW Invest in the Future. Transform it now. / November 2023 11
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