2019 Interim Results slide image

2019 Interim Results

Non-performing exposures by portfolio Bank of Ireland 2019 Interim Results Advances Non-performing Non-performing Impairment Composition (Jun 19) (€bn) exposures (€bn) exposures as % of advances loss allowance (€bn) Impairment loss allowance as % of non-performing exposures Residential Mortgages 44.8 2.3 5.0% 0.5 23% - Republic of Ireland 23.2 1.8 7.6% 0.4 25% - UK 21.6 0.5 2.2% 0.1 16% Non-property SME and Corporate 20.3 1.1 5.5% 0.6 52% - Republic of Ireland SME 7.5 0.7 9.3% 0.4 51% - UK SME 1.6 0.1 6.8% 0.0 41% - Corporate Property and construction 11.2 0.3 2.7% 0.2 58% 8.5 0.7 8.4% 0.3 46% - Investment property 7.7 0.6 8.6% 0.3 45% - Land and development 0.8 0.1 6.6% 0.0 57% Consumer¹ 5.7 0.1 2.1% 0.2 139% Total loans and advances to customers 79.3 4.2 5.3% 1.6 38% Non-performing Advances Composition (Dec 18) exposures (€bn) (€bn) Non-performing exposures as % of advances Impairment loss allowance Impairment loss allowance as % of (€bn) non-performing exposures Residential Mortgages 45.4 - Republic of Ireland 23.7 - UK 21.7 Non-property SME and Corporate 19.5 - Republic of Ireland SME 7.6 - UK SME 1.6 Consumer - Corporate Property and construction - Investment property - Land and development Total loans and advances to customers 10.3 NNO FOOO 2.8 2.3 0.5 1.2 0.8 0.1 835280 6.0% 0.5 20% 9.5% 0.4 21% 2.3% 0.1 15% 6.2% 0.6 52% 11.2% 0.4 49% 6.1% 0.1 53% 0.3 2.6% 0.1 60% 8.3 0.9 11.0% 0.4 45% 7.7 0.8 10.7% 0.4 44% 0.6 0.1 14.0% 0.0 54% 5.2 0.1 2.1% 0.2 140% 78.4 5.0 6.3% 1.7 35% 1 Includes UK Credit Card portfolio €0.6bn classified as held for sale as at June 2019. Sale completed in mid July 2019 Bank of Ireland 43
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