Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck slide image

Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck

D A Revised Proposal for Creating Value at McDonald's Addressing Potential Company Questions Final Revised Proposal.ppt Question: Would a publicly traded McOpCo hinder the current “Farm Team" system or inhibit McDonald's ability to recruit top McOpCo managers to work at Corporate? Answer: No. We believe the creation of a publicly traded McOpCo will actually improve the talent pool at both Brand McDonald's and McOpCo. ✓ Offering direct equity compensation in McOpCo will Attract "best-in-class" operators Improve retention Arm's-length, publicly traded McOpCo is better training ground than the current wholly owned McOpCo ▶ Better "real world" business discipline for managers, once corporate subsidies are removed Teaches restaurant operators how to run a public business With 80% ownership, Brand McDonald's will still be able to leverage its deep relationship with McOpCo for recruiting purposes 36
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