AngloAmerican ESG Presentation Deck slide image

AngloAmerican ESG Presentation Deck

2040 carbon neutrality before 90% of 1.5°C pathways Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions From current operations 2016 2018 2020 Fossil fuels 2030 target -30% reduction of GHG emissions vs 201611 2022e 2024e 2026e Electricity purchased Diesel 2028e 2030e IEA Net zero by 2050 Range of published IPCC assessed 1.5°C Net Zero 2050 pathways indexed from 2020 Carbon neutrality across our operations ¹2 2032e Fugitive methane emissions 2034e 2036e 2038e Carbon negative technologies 2040e 15
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