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Investor Presentaiton

Ferrero Group Sustainability Report 2022 Introduction Our sustainability Our reporting F progress Compliance and certification: ISO 14001 and 50001 Standards We value transparency across our operations, and full compliance with relevant environmental and energy laws, regulations and site permits. To meet the above objectives relating to environmental protection and energy efficiency, we adopted an environmental and energy management system (EENMS), based on the internationally recognised ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 standards. By implementing the EEnMS, we promote the prevention of pollution, the efficient use of all materials and natural resources, and the continual improvement of our environmental and energy performance. At the end of fiscal year 2021/22, 29 sites (including plants, two auxiliary sites in Germany and warehouses directly managed by the Group) were certified according to the ISO 14001 standard, and 22 sites were certified to the ISO 50001 standard. In particular, we included the Alfreton (UK) manufacturing plant in our ISO 50001 certification. We will continue extending the certifications to new sites. To ensure our ISO management system constantly also meets our Group requirements, we audit all sites regularly. Managing the impact of acquisitions Since 2018, we have added nine plants through acquisition, and are working to include them within the scope of our reporting. Our current scope includes 23 industrial plants and warehouses directly managed by Ferrero¹. Packaging KPIs refer to the same scope of reporting with the addition of North Canton plant. You can find the full list of manufacturing plants on page 7. 1. The following plants are currently excluded from the scope of our environmental reporting: Cameroon - Yaoundé 2005 (Ferrero), US - North Canton 2017 (Fannie May), Louisville 2019 (acquired from Kellogg's), Florence 2019 (Kellogg's), Augusta 2019 (Kellogg's), Chicago 2019 (Kellogg's), Spain - Alzira 2019 (ICFC), Italy - Castel d'Ario 2019 (ICFC), UK- Halstead 2020 (Eat Natural). 2. Ferrero public statement. In addition, we audit all industrial plants periodically to verify compliance with the four-pillar standard of the SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit approach, covering: labour standards, health and safety, environment, and business ethics. This uses best-practice ethical audit techniques, enabling auditors to conduct high-quality audits that encompass all aspects of responsible business practice. 22 ISO 14001 & ISO 50001 certified sites 07 North America Brantford San José de Iturbide Frankin Park Bloomington Somerset (copacker) South America La Pastora Poços de Caldas Quito Europe Alba Pozzuolo Martesana Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi Balvano Belsk Cork Africa Walkerville Australia Lithgow Villers-Écalles Arlon Alfreton Monticello (Warehouse) Ternat 1 & Stadtallendorf Ternat 2 (plant+2 service units) (Warehouse) ISO 14001 certified sites Asia Hangzhou Manisa Vladimir² Baramati 19 <
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