Investor Presentaiton
Upper Figure: an oblique view looking NNW showing:-
Pseudo-coloured roof topography of the heat-producing granite with depths
ranging from outcrop in the northeast to +9km in the west.
Interpreted major faults (black lines) plus Tas Geol 3D structures (buff ribbons).
Pseudo-coloured heat flow data points (on an approximate 20km x 20km grid)
ranging from <50mW/m² to a maximum value of 118mW/m².
Zones of low resistivity (<1 ohm.m) defined by 3D inverse modelling of MT data.
Portions within the granite coloured grey; portions above in light brown.
Outline of the Lemont Inferred Geothermal Resource (defined by the 150°C
isotherm at a depth of 4km).
Lower Figure: an oblique view looking SE showing:-
Pseudo-coloured roof topography of the heat-producing granite with depths
ranging from outcrop in the northeast to +9km in the west.
Tas Geology 3D structures (buff ribbons).
MT Resistivity block model, western portion removed to reveal the low resistivity
(<1ohm.m) zones which are coloured grey within the granite and pink above.
Outline of the Lemont Inferred Geothermal Resource (defined by the 150°C
isotherm at a depth of 4km).
Portion of Tasmania's distant east coast in thin black line.
The blue pin is the location of possible test hole to confirm temperature gradient
and high permeability: depth ~2km.
(Both figures after Tom Ostersen's PhD thesis, 2020.)
Spa*ark Energy_24
50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Heat Flow (mWm-2)
Granite Roof Elevation (m a.s.l.)
Resistivity (Q.m)
Granite Roof Elevation (m a.s.l.)
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