Airports Business FY21 Highlights slide image

Airports Business FY21 Highlights

Annexure A: Profitability Statement (Consolidated) INR mn Q4FY2020 Q3FY2021 Q4FY2021 FY2020 FY2021 Gross Revenue 23,487 14,810 23,205 85,555 62,294 Less: Revenue Share 5,357 1,407 2,493 20,372 4,849 Net Revenue 18,131 13,404 20,712 65,184 57,445 Total Expenditure 11,585 12,279 12,274 38,898 46,658 EBITDA 6,545 1,124 8,438 26,286 10,787 EBITDA margin 36% 8% 41% 40% 19% Other Income 2,056 1,925 1,987 6,666 6,341 Interest & Finance Charges 10,474 7,868 7,638 35,451 31,722 Depreciation 2,974 2,330 2,326 10,643 10,045 PBT before exceptional items (4,847) (7,149) 461 (13,142) (24,639) Exceptional Income/(Expense) (6,809) (2,951) (5,855) (6,809) (8,806) PBT (11,656) (10,100) (5,393) (19,951) (33,445) Tax (1,704) (308) (401) (849) (2,624) Profit after Tax (PAT) (9,952) (9,792) (4,993) (19,102) (30,821) Add: Share in Profit / (Loss) of JVs / Associates (1,320) (1,399) (2,262) (2,883) (3,457) PAT from Continuing Operations (11,272) (11,191) (7,255) (21,985) (34,278) Add: Profit (Loss) from Discontinued Operations 3 (14) 21 (37) (0) Add: Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) (1,651) 770 (1,594) 241 Total Comprehensive Income (12,919) (10,435) (8,828) (21,780) 1,976 (32,301) Less: Minority Interest (MI) Total Comprehensive Income (Post MI) (640) (12,279) (1,978) (33) 2,831 (5,725) (8,457) (8,795) (24,611) (26,576) GAR Humility | Entrepreneurship I Teamwork and Relationships I Deliver the Promise I Learning and Inner Excellence I Social Responsibility I Respect for Individual 47
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