Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion slide image

Financial Strategy and Ecosystem Platform Expansion

1 A Trusted Provider and the Market Cornerstone Leveraging our market footprint, our trusted provider status and our digital capability investment JINIUS 60% of the businesses in the economy are BOC clients that can obtain value through a B2B1 ecosystem enabled connectivity Digital Partners Reduce integration time. Allow cross industry connectivity Scale 72 1) Business to Business 2) Business to Customer B2B1 帅容 00 Calendar Spend Demographic Bank Branches /ATMs Time Social Rate Portal Login Business partners J! Financial Health Real Estate GPS Connectivity energy میرا A Authorities B2C2 >335K users currently utilise the BOC digital channels services and are digitally engaged and active C Drive the digital economy and create new revenue streams End Users Centralised frictionless experience Combining banking and lifestyle services 42
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