CAE Financial Overview and Strategic Outlook slide image

CAE Financial Overview and Strategic Outlook

ESG Positive ESG impact is core to CAE's mission 16 Climate action CAE is the first carbon neutral Canadian aerospace company First Canadian aerospace company to become carbon neutral, in 2020 (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and Partial Scope 3) I I Committed to reduction of GHG emissions All CAE sites are 100% sourced with renewable energy or covered by renewable energy certificates I | I Recognized as sustainability leader S&P Global I CDP I I I Sustainability scores in top 15% of our industry and above North American average respectively Diversity, Equity and Inclusion I (RECs) I Advancing green aviation by developing electric conversion kit for Piper aircraft and enabling the all-electric Advanced Air Mobility industry I I I Expecting to convert up to 80 aircraft of its training fleet Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index 2023 Member Named to the Bloomberg Gender- Equality Index for 5 consecutive years NOMEN IN PARITY CERTIFIED GOLD OVERNAN Gold-level gender parity certification from Women in Governance Strong impact on the Aerospace industry CAEWomeninFlight Expanding the reach of Georgina Thomas Wat Nicia Hunt the Women in Flight program with airlines partners 8 recipients of Captain Judy Cameron Scholarships with Air Canada Strong ESG impact across businesses Civil Aviation Moving aviation safety, diversity and sustainability forward + reducing our emissions through the retrofitting of the planes in our flight schools Defense & Security Noble mission to support preparedness; fostering sovereignty, stability and safety + deterrence through supporting mission readiness + safer & greener multi- domain training through synthetic environments CAE Inc. Proprietary Information and/or Confidential CAE
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