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Investor Presentaiton

21-01 Maternal and Newborn health 21-02 Immunization 447,411 134,839 582,250 1,594,861 123,603 1,718,464 21-03 Child health 601,254 1,632,241 3,615,248 5,848,743 21-06 HIV treatment and care 30,312 128,040 158,352 of children living with HIV 21-07 HIV prevention Total 601,254 12,639 3,717,464 42,287 4,044,017 54,926 8,362,735 In 2018, RR represented the major source of funding for health intervention, representing 48% of total expenditure, followed by ORR with 44%. Child health accounted for the greatest share of expenditure (70%), followed by immunization (21%). HIV/PMTCT interventions consumed only 3% of the budget in 2018. Table 4: Thematic expenses by Results area (in USD) Organizational Targets Expenditure Amount* Other Resources Other Resources - All Programme Accounts Emergency Regular (USD) 21-01 Maternal and newborn health 1,078 1,078 21-02 Immunization 1,208 67,670 68,878 21-03 Child Health 17,540 699,990 717,530 Total 18,748 768,738 787,486 Table 5: Expenses by Specific Intervention Codes (in USD) Row Labels Expense (USD) 3180/A0/881/001/1 HEALTH FACILITIES INTEGRATED PACKAGE 21-01-02 Facility-based maternal and newborn care (including emergency obstetric and newborn care, quality improvement) 21-01-05 Maternal and newborn care policy advocacy 1,428,292 315,840 266,409 21-02-10 Polio vaccines and devices 311,787 21-03-02 IMNCI - facilities 520,774 21-03-11 HSS - Health sector policy, planning and governance at national or sub-national levels 13,481 3180/A0/881/001/2 COMMUNITY INTEGRATED PACKAGE 21-03-01 IMNCI Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) 3180/A0/881/001/3 HEALTH SYSTEM STRENGHTENING 21-03-10 HSS- Health system procurement and supplies management 21-03-11 HSS- Health sector policy, planning and governance at national or subnational levels 891,342 891,342 1,258,780 19,783 1,231,662 21-03-16 HSS- Management Information System 7,334 3180/A0/881/001/4 HEALTH EMERGENCY 559,248 21-03-18 Public health emergencies, including diseases outbreaks 559,248 3180/A0/881/001/5 PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT - CSD 2,605,117 21-03-99 Technical assistance- child health 2,605,117 3180/A0/881/001/7 IMMUNIZATION 1,406,678 21-02-02 Immunization supply chain, including cold chain 230,284 16
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