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Investor Presentaiton

Micro Hydro Technology DLH beyond clean & green 106 АВВ N 106 1074 1072 108 108 40 20 0 40 Kilometers BEKASI KARAWANG KOTA BEKASI KOTA DEPO BOGOR KOTA BOGOR PURWAKARTA DINAS ENERGI DAN SUMBER DAYA MINERAL PROVINSI JAWA BARAT INDRAMAYU SUBANG O There are 65 Micro Hydro power Plant (PLTMH) Non IPP point in Bogor District, Sukabumi District, Cianjur District, West Bandung District, Garut District, Tasikmalaya District, Pangandaran District, Ciamis District and Subang District. LEGENDA PLTMH_Non_IPP Batas Kab/Kota Value High 5,356 Low: 2,793 106 SUKABUMI SUMEDANG MAJALENGKA KOTACIMAH KOTA SUKABUM KOTA BANDUN BANDUNG BARAT SIANJUR BANDUNG CIREBON KOTACIREBON CIAMIS KOTATASIKMALAY TASIKMALAYA 105900 107 107 108 Total No. District Unit Capacity (kW) KUNINGAN 1 Bandung 1 3 2 West Bandung 2 36,45 3 Bogor 6 187,26 4 Ciamis 6 103,4 5 Cianjur 20 6858,83 6 Garut 18 524,8 OPAN GANDARAN 7 Subang 4 120 8 Sukabumi 5 173,4 9 Tasikmalaya 6 106,74 108 Source: West Java Energy and Mineral Resources Agency (2020)
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