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Investor Presentaiton

Reporting on the European Taxonomy Turnover, Capex and Opex In accordance with EU Regulation 852/2020 (EU Taxonomy) below is summarized the performance of the Group with regard to the shares of 2022 Turnover, Opex, and Capex¹ aligned to the two objectives of climate change mitigation and adaptation. KPMG - as FS' external auditor – has supported FS Group in this analysis. A total of 60.6% of consolidated turnover is Taxonomy aligned A total of 44.5% of consolidated operating expenses is Taxonomy aligned A total of 84.2% of consolidated capital expenditure is Taxonomy aligned f Not eligible 27.7% F FERROVIE DELLO STATO ITALIANE Eligible 72.3% Total Turnover (mn €) 13,664 --------- Rail transport DT DED Environmentally sustainable 60.6% DOT D Environmentally sustainable 44.5% Road transport Eligible 52.4% Eligible Total OpEx² (mn €) 5,028 Railway infrastructure Not eligible 47.6% 1 Results refer to the share of turnover, operating expenses, and capital expenditures not related to intercompany activities. 2 Total Opex as identified by the Delegated Regulations paragraphs - Informazione pubblica D 96.4% Not eligible 3.6% Road infrastructure Total CapEx (mn €) 8,115 Environmentally sustainable 84.2% 21 21
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