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Investor Presentaiton

LYRB SUMMARY FINANCIAL DATA UIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2019 Below are two summary tables, including and excluding depreciation, of net operating revenues, operating income as a percentage of operating revenue, unrestricted cash balances, and unrestricted cash balances as a percentage of operating revenue. INCLUDING DEPRECIATION PAGE 36 Operating Revenue Operating Expense (1) Operating Income Operating Income (%) Net Income Net Income (%) Unrestricted Cash 3,146,791 Unrestricted Cash (%) 41.0% ACTUAL FY 16 FY17 FY18 7,689,314 9,055,560 10,641,815 3,751,076 4,716,168 7,100,740 3,938,238 4,339,392 3,541,075 51.3% 48.0% 33.3% 1,579,484 2,433,466 172,596 20.6% 26.9% 1.7% 6,185,494 5,447,838 68.3% 51.2% PRELIMINARY FY19 13,907,000 16,806,600 6,971,500 10,330,200(2) BUDGETED FY 2020 6,935,500 6,476,400 49.9% 1,447,100 38.5% 189,900 10.4% 8,777,600 63.1% 1.1% 10,000,000 59.5% (1) Includes Depreciation (2) Depreciation is estimated at $5 million for FY 2020. UIA no longer formally budgets for depreciation. EXCLUDING DEPRECIATION Operating Revenue Operating Expense (1) FY 16 7,689,314 749,021 Operating Income 6,940,293 Operating Income (%) 90.3% Net Income 4,581,539 Net Income (%) 59.6% Unrestricted Cash 3,146,791 Unrestricted Cash (%) (1) Excludes Depreciation 41.0% ACTUAL FY17 9,055,560 1,166,283 7,889,277 87.2% 5,983,351 66.1% 6,185,494 68.3% PRELIMINARY FY18 10,641,815 2,631,424 FY19 13,907,000 2,942,300 BUDGETED FY 20 16,806,600 5,330,200 8,010,391 10,964,700 11,476,400 75.3% 4,641,912 43.6% 5,447,838 78.9% 5,476,300 68.3% 5,189,900 39.3% 8,777,600 51.2% 63.1% 30.9% 10,000,000 59.5% WE PROVIDE SOLUTIONS
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