Investor Presentaiton
NSBI's Corporate Scorecard results show that trade related export sales by Nova Scotia companies and new investment from international companies continue to inject new
money into the Nova Scotia economy.
Investment Attraction, which focuses on attracting new investment to the province, charted eight payroll rebate transactions and two project management transactions,
which means ten companies have created a presence and/or invested in Nova Scotia. International companies attracted to Nova Scotia continued to demonstrate that they are
dependent on Nova Scotia's skilled labour force to support their expansion plans. The weighted average salary of projected jobs among payroll rebate clients during 2013-2014
exceeded NSBI's target by 24 percent. Overall, these clients pay higher than average salaries compared to the average paid in the Nova Scotia (up to 41 percent more than the
Nova Scotia average).
During the 2013-2014 fiscal year, Nova Scotia companies did business in 50 countries. The 2013-2014 fiscal year also saw a 28 percent increase over the previous year in the total
reported actual and forecasted export sales from $418 million to $534 million. While we have seen an increase in clients accessing new markets and advancing into existing
markets, the actual number of new clients reporting their first export sale has decreased.
Business Financing, which finances private businesses in Nova Scotia, evaluates available private sector solutions before entering into agreements using NSBI tools.
In 2013-2014, the team received 177 requests from businesses. Of these, ten transactions used NSBI loans or payroll rebates. The other requests were appropriately
referred to solutions via traditional banks, private financiers, or other funders.
NSBI's Venture Capital division charted five transactions, providing capital to Nova Scotia companies. The portfolio valuation saw a decrease of 21 percent this past fiscal year.
NSBI also had its first successful exit from its portfolio. In 2005, NSBI invested $3 million dollars into DHX Media Ltd. and this year sold 1.6 million shares at $5.25 a share,
generating proceeds of more than $8.4 million. This investment more than doubled, resulting in a return of $5.4 million to the Province.View entire presentation