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Investor Presentaiton

RFG performance highlights RETAIL FOOD GROUP Strong group wide results delivering growth on PCP and pre-COVID periods demonstrates brand consistency and resilience... Coffee centric brands were stand out performers in 1H23... ...translating to a positive start to 2H23 in the face of challenging macroeconomic conditions. donutking... Gloria Jean's SSS vs PCP12 SSS vs Pre-COVID² 3 +40.7% +20.2% +38.5% +4.1% Network sales, SSS and CC growth maintained in the face of inflationary and interest rate pressures on consumers. • RFG addressing challenges through proactive pricing and COGS management to address margin pressure. Crust and Brumby's producing stronger results compared to pre- COVID periods... Brumby's SSS vs PCP1 +6.8% SSS vs Pre-COVID³ • Relatively low ATV (excl. Crust and Pizza Capers brands)4, provides scope to effectively manage retail pricing and better compete. ⚫ Diversified brand system portfolio reduces reliance on individual business units. CRUST™ +1.9% +18.2% +12.1% 1: Based on unaudited reported sales by franchisees amongst stores trading a minimum 23 of 26 weeks in 1H23 vs unaudited reported sales by franchisees against same stores trading a minimum 23 of 26 weeks in 1H22. 2: Excludes Gloria Jean's Drive Thru locations (1H23 Gloria Jean's Drive Thru network metrics vs PCP: +3.7% SSS; -8.1% CC; +12.8% ATV/1H23 Gloria Jean's Drive Thru network vs 1H19: +6.1% SSS; -14.2% CC; +23.7% ATV). Excludes Donut King mobile units. 3: Based on unaudited reported sales by franchisees amongst stores trading a minimum 23 of 26 weeks in 1H23 vs unaudited reported sales by franchisees against same stores trading a minimum 23 of 26 weeks in 1H19. 4: Based on unaudited sales reported by franchisees. Page 10
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