Investor Presentaiton
Hotel Operations - Overview
Operating revenues
*1 23.5 billion (2021.3)
Operating income
* 1
-20.4 billion (2021.3)
*1 Simple total of the revenues and expenses of the hotel businesses of
Group companies and the revenues and expenses of the hotel businesses
of non-consolidated JR East
[Reference] JR East hotels at a glance
Metropolitan Hotels (14 hotels, 4,021 guest rooms)
Operating revenues *2 ¥11.9 billion (2021.3)
Menus to boost the operating revenues
1 Micro tourism
2②Take in demand of teleworks
through STATION WORK, etc.
③Strengthen CRM*
④Make use of local governments policies
*Customer Relationship Management
Occupancy rate:28.5 %
JR-EAST HOTEL METS chain (29 hotels, 4,009 guest rooms)
Operating revenues *2 ¥7.2 billion (2021.3)
The Tokyo Station Hotel (150 guest rooms)
Occupancy rate:56.4 %
*2 Simple sum of operating revenues from each hotel.
mesm Tokyo, AUTOGRAPH COLLECTION (265 guest rooms)
Familio, Folkloro (8 hotels, 344 guest rooms)
wanoi Kakunodate (3 guest rooms)
Hotel Dream Gate Maihama, Hotel Dream Gate Maihama Annex (160 guest rooms)
Hotel New Grand (238 guest rooms)
(As of Mar. 31,2021) 41View entire presentation