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Investor Presentaiton

Horseshoe South Mine - Extended Pit Drilling comes up with encouraging results around the pit and down slope to the west 656 300mE 656 400mE 011 656 500mE 656 600mE 656 700mE 006 656 800mE A 7184 350mN 656 300mE TV52/806 012 [email protected]% Mn from 11m 005 12m @24.9% Mn from 7m 004 2m @20.3% Mn 580mRL Surface 7 184 500mN B 570mRL 1m @24.3% Mn from 4m 1m @20.4% Mn from surface section HERC001 4m @ 20.0% Mn from 16m 560mRL 5m @ 20.3% Mn 015 HORSESHOE SOUTH [email protected]% Mn 036 EXTENDED OPEN PIT 053 9m @ 22.6% Mn from 12m 042 016 054 30m 003 043 550mRL 4m@ 20.5% Mn 017 2m @21.5% Mn from 17m 024 from 28m 002 [email protected]% Mn 050 from 1m and 540mRL [email protected]% Mn from 4m and 037 [email protected]% Mn from 9m 4m @ 19.8% Mn 025 0018 from 13m 027 001 section 046 019 057 .022 020 052 [email protected]% Mn from 7m 530mRL BRYAH RESOURCES 026 038 021 023 039 044 028 045 040 [email protected]% Mn from 4m 041 3m @27.8% Mn [email protected]% Mn from 6m 2m @24.1% Mn LIMITED HORSESHOE SOUTH PROSPECT 640mRL Extended Pit Area [email protected]% Mn DRILL SECTION A - A' 630mRL [email protected]% Mn from 17m May 2020 Indicated Mineral Resource 437,000t @ 19.6% Mn (10% Mn cut-off grade) from 19m 8m @ 22.0% Mn from 23m [email protected]% Mn from 17m 9m @ 22.6% Mn from 24m 5m @ 20.3% Mn from 17m Source: WAMEX Report a93155 (2012) 4m @ 20.0% Mn from 11m BRYAH RESOURCES LIMITED HORSESHOE SOUTH PROSPECT Extended Pit Area DRILL HOLE LOCATION PLAN May 2020 from 10m 6m @24.6% Mn from 9m [email protected]% Mn from 1m and [email protected]% Mn from 18m 5m @22.4% Mn from 3m and 2m @ 19.1% Mn from 8m and 8m @24.3% Mn from 14m [email protected]% Mn from 7m and 2m @21.5% Mn from 31m 7 184 200mN from 12m 5m @ 28.8% Mn from 4m HERC026 656 350mE HERC039 HERC044 19m @ 24.6% Mn [email protected]% Mn 42m 42m 54m 656 650mE 7184 450mN D Original surface PH1782 PH1783 HERC048 HERC049 PH1786. HERC047 PH1787 PH1784 PH1785 620mRL 14m 11m surface 14m 9m @ 26.0% Mn 14m 14m 610mRL 14m 13m @ 23.7% Mn 600mRL 14m @ 23.7% Mn 30m 30m -590mRL GRADE METRES 042 2020 RC Drill hole (prefix HERC) (Mn% x interval) 580mRL BRYAH RESOURCES 041 2019 RC Drill hole (prefix HERC) 0-40 Historical Drill hole <- 40-80 LIMITED HORSESHOE SOUTH PROSPECT 80-120 100 metres 120-200 >200 Extended Pit Area DRILL SECTION B - B' 15 metres May 2020 A PH1788 PH1789 PH1790 656 700mE 14m 14m 6m @ 24.0% Mn 7m @ 24.5% Mn 14m 30m 4m @ 26.6% Mn 4m @ 37.5% Mn 5m @ 23.2% Mn 17m @ 21.5% Mn 11m @ 24.8% Mn Historical Drill hole with depth, metres Bryah RC Drill hole with depth, metres Mineralised intercept (>35%Mn) Mineralised intercept (>18%Mn) Mineralised zone (>10%Mn)
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