2022 Interim Results - Debt Investor Presentation
Net interest income positively geared
to higher interest rates
Net interest income sensitivity to parallel shift in
interest rates (annualised)
EUR (Obps)
-100bps +50bps
(€80m) €25m
(€10m) €10m
€200m €370m¹
Bank of Ireland 2022 Interim Results - Debt Investor Presentation
Key simplifying assumptions
An instantaneous and sustained parallel movement in
all interest rates
Starting point for ECB deposit rate / Euribor of 0%
A static balance sheet in size and composition
Assets and liabilities whose pricing is mechanically
linked to market / central bank rates assumed to reprice
Certain other assumptions including pass-throughs to
assets and liabilities
The sensitivities should not be considered a forecast of
future performance in these rate scenarios as they do
not capture potential management actions
Net interest income sensitivities will change depending
on interest rate starting point
Any incremental benefit from TLTRO is excluded from
the sensitivity table above
Potential for aggregate incremental net interest income
of c.€100m from TLTRO in 2023/24 assuming an ECB
deposit rate of 0.75% at end-2022 and 1.25% at end-
2023 and no change to terms and conditions
1 +100bps interest rate sensitivity at FY21 = €190m. The difference to €370m at HY22 is explained by deposit balances (c.€15bn) on
negative interest rates, the impact of positive interest rates on Euribor floored loans (€7bn), balance sheet growth in the period and
other smaller items
Bank of Ireland
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