Covered Bond Framework Q1 2021
Finnish covered bond framework
Q1 2021
Legal framework
Finnish Covered Bond Act (statute 688/2010)
Collateral assets remain on the balance sheet of the issuer
Covered bonds, collateral and relevant derivative contracts are entered in a separate register
Limit on LTV ratio – based on the current value
70% for housing loans (residential property)
60% for commercial loans (commercial property)
Matching cover requirements
Total value of the cover pool must be greater than the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the covered bonds
Net present value of the cover pool must be at least 2% above the net present value of the liabilities under the covered bonds
Liquidity requirements
Average maturity of the covered bonds must not exceed the average maturity of the loans entered in the register
Total amount of interest accrued from the cover pool assets, during any 12-month period, must be sufficient to cover the total
amount payable under covered bonds and derivatives transactions during the same period
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