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MuniFin Green Finance and Liquidity Portfolio Evaluation

MuniFin Copyright MuniFin 9 Resilient external sector Exports by region 2020 • Finland, as a small open economy, has a diversified export sector. Finnish Exports are largely made up of investment goods and intermediate products • • Bridge between the East and the West: Over 40 % of exports outside the EU, largest trade counterparties being Germany, Sweden, USA, Netherlands, Russia and China Foreign trade faced a sharp but temporary slump as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, Finnish exports and imports are forecast to have contracted by 10.4 % and 7.5 %, respectively North America 8% Asia 14% Rest of Europe 16% Other countries 6% Other EU countries 17% Euro zone countries 39% Exports by sector 2020 Other 13% Electric and electronics industry 12% Metals and machinery 38% • Finnish exports are expected to grow by 5.0 % this year in 2021, as world trade gradually recovers Sources: Economic Survey, Winter 2020, Ministry of Finance & Finnish Customs Preliminary Data for 2020, Statistics Finland Forest, pulp and paper 18% Chemicals and related 19%
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