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Investor Presentaiton

• ALASKA - Tier One Mining Jurisdiction Rich History in Mining • Second Largest Gold Producing State in the USA . • DEVELOPING ALASKA'S NEXT GOLD MINE IN PARTNERSHIP WITH KINROSS AND THE TETLIN ALASKA NATIVE TRIBE Red Dog Mine Arctic and Bornite Kaltag Fault Nixon Fork True North Livengood Ryan Lode Fairbanks Tintina Denali Fault Brewery Tintina Fault Creek Fort Knox Pogo Gold Belt Anchorage Tetlin 6 Active Larges Scale Mines, 200 small-scale alluvial miners producing 60,000 ounces of gold annually Mining Friendly Jurisdiction with Stable Regulatory and Taxes 4600 Direct Jobs and 9400 Direct/Indirect Jobs $37 million to local government revenues, $112 million State of Alaska, and $242 million to Alaska Native Corps. Donlin Creek • $1.7 Billion (36%) of Alaska Exports in 2018 • $162 Million Spent on Exploration in 2019 $225 Million Spent on Mine Construction/Development in 2019 Pebble 10 CONTANGO ORE
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