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Investor Presentaiton

Capital expenditure - - Capital expenditure (capex) $141.2m in F23: Maintenance & replacement capex of $102.1m, includes step-up in sustainability investment with significant implementation of solar technology in Australia and California Acquisition of previously leased vineyard in the US of $25.4m - Growth capex of $13.7m, including investment in low/no alcohol wine production technology and expansion of operations in France Ongoing expectation for maintenance and replacement capex of approximately $100m A$m F23 F22 • Wine making equipment and facilities 31.0 24.0 Vineyard redevelopments 22.4 22.4 Sustainability 21.1 4.9 Technology 12.0 10.4 Oak purchases 7.6 3.6 Other capex 8.0 5.3 Maintenance and replacement capex 102.1 70.6 Vineyard purchase' 25.4 - Growth capex 13.7 41.6 • Capex 141.2 112.2 Net lease liability movement (16.1) 8.7 20 20 1. Net of proceeds from the disposal of lease assets: F23 $107.9m, F22 $nil. TWE
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