FY2012 H1 Results and CSR Activities Presentation
I FY2012 H1 results overview
Consolidated net sales were up 3.6% from the same period the previous year and operating profit rose 20.6% (quarterly net
income was up 9.6%)
Sales and profits grew in H1 due not only to PARCO's strong performance as a result of active renovations in FY2011 and
FY2012 and the strengthening of the card scheme, but also due to strong performance at Neuve A. Income exceeded
forecasts. Since Q2 2011, existing stores have continued to improve performance from the previous year
II FY2012 H1 achievements and future plans
Existing store renovations: Renovated 28,000m² in H1, exceeding initial targets
Renovated zones achieved double-digit sales increases over the same period in the previous year
Existing store renovation target: Approximately 24,000m² scheduled for thematic renewal in H2
Store card: Introduction of new PARCO Card under the theme of "ease of use from the customer perspective"
Domestic store development: Pursued ZERO GATE business model of low to medium-rise urban shopping complexes
Overseas business strategy: Offer platform to transmit Shibuya fashion in Singapore. Established a local corporation entrusted
with the operation and management of commercial facilities in Suzhou
Retail business: Opened four stores in H1. Four more to follow in H2 and plan to expand store network to 160 stores.
Space engineering and management business: Received orders for LED conversion. New contracts in hotel guest room
business. Increased cost efficiency
E-commerce business: Web production business is strong due to new orders for EC site production.
Entertainment business: Hits with high-quality theatre and film content. Production of topical content also planned for H2
III CSR activities
Strengthen ongoing CSR activities under the themes of the environment and contributing to society and implement next
generation fashion creator outreachView entire presentation