Overstock Results Presentation Deck slide image

Overstock Results Presentation Deck

Gross Margin Gross Profit ($M) $225 $200 $175 $150 $125 $100 $75 $50 $25 19.7% $72 Q2 '19 overstock. 20.0% $68 Q3 '19 20.7% $75 Q4 '19 21.9% $74 Q1 '20 23.2% $178 Q2 '20 Note: All figures represent results from continuing operations. 23.5% $169 Q3 '20 22.5% $151 Q4 '20 23.3% $154 Q1 '21 Gross Margin (%) 22.0% $175 Q2 '21 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% -0% Q2 Dynamics ■ Gross margin of 22.0% -119 bps vs. Q2'20 +228 bps vs. Q2'19 ▪ Gross margin impacted by: Normalized promotional and operating environment 9
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