KBank's Strategic Acquisition in Muang Thai Group Holding slide image

KBank's Strategic Acquisition in Muang Thai Group Holding

K KASIKORNTHAI ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK Funding Structure and Interest Rate Movement March 2023 (Consolidated) Funding Structure Deposit Structure (Bt bn) 2,972 2,967 2,236 2,502 2,889 (Bt bn) 3,200 2,800 2,599 2,749 2,713 6% 5% I 6% 2,345 2,800 3% 2,400 2,072 18% 18% I 4% 18% 2,400 2% 3% 2,000 20% 4% 2,000 3% 23% 4% 1,600 1,600 1,200 76% 76% 76% - CASA 1,200 74% 800 93% 94% 90% 92% 91% 71% = 82% 800 400 400 0 0 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% T 2019 2020 2021 2022 1Q23 2019 2020 ■Current 2021 ■Savings 2022 1Q23 Term ■Deposits ST and LT Borrowings Interbank and Money Market KBank Interest Rate Movement (Retail customers) ST and LT Borrowings (%) Deposit rates (%) (Jun 6, 2023) 8.00 (Bt bn) Savings 0.30 7.00 125 103 89 Fixed 3M-12M 0.87-1.45 82 6.00 100 69 68 5.00 Fixed 24M-36M 1.90-2.05 75 4.00 Lending rates (%) (Jun 6, 2023) 50 99% 87% 3.00 97% 98% 100% 2.00 MLR 7.02 25 2% 1.00 0.00 MOR MRR 7.34 1% 0 13% 3% 7.05 2019 2020 2021 2022 1Q23 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ■ST Borrowing ■B/E & Others LT Borrowing MLR Savings -Fixed3M K บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORN BANK KASIKORNTHAI Long-term Senior/Subordinated Debentures Issue Date Long-term Subordinated Debentures Name Type Feature Amount Maturity Years Interest Rate (Per annum) Interest Payment period Credit Rating Additional Tier 1 10/08/2021 Unsecured Subordinated Notes* Perpetual NC5.5Y USD350mn 4% 14/10/2020 Additional Tier 1 Subordinated Notes* Unsecured Perpetual NC5Y USD500mn 5.275% Semi- annually Semi- annually Ba2 by Moody's Ba2 by Moody's 02/10/2019 Tier II Subordinated Notes due 2031* 12 Years Unsecured 12NC7 USD800mn 3.343% (02/10/2031) Semi- annually Ba1 by Moody's BB+ by Fitch Ratings Long-term Senior Debentures 07/03/2023 Senior Unsecured Notes due 2028* Unsecured USD600mn 5Years (07/03/2028) 5.458% Semi- annually Baa1 by Moody's BBB by Fitch Ratings. 27/12/2022 JPY Sustainability Long-Term Debentures #2** Unsecured JPY2520mn 2.1 Years (20/01/2025) 0.655% On 27/12/23 and 20/01/25 AA+ (tha) by Fitch 15/12/2022 USD Sustainability Long-Term Debentures** Unsecured USD45mn 3 Years (15/12/2025) 5.34% Semi- annually AA+ (tha) by Fitch 15/12/2022 JPY Sustainability Long-Term Debentures #1** Unsecured JPY2745mn 3 Years (11/12/2025) 0.86% annually AA+ (tha) by Fitch 07/12/2018 Floating Rate Notes due 2023* Unsecured USD15mn 5 Years (07/12/22023) 3m Libor+0.95% Quarterly 30/10/2018 Floating Rate Notes due 2023* (Sustainability Bond) Unsecured 12/01/2018 Senior Unsecured Notes due 2023* Unsecured USD100mn 5 Years (30/10/2023) 3m Libor+0.95% Quarterly USD400mn 5.5 Years (12/07/2023) 3.256% Semi- annually Baa1 by Moody's BBB by S&P BBB by Fitch Ratings Note: *The issued notes are drawn from the Bank's USD4bn Euro Medium Term Note Programme (EMTN) Note: ** The issued notes are drawn from the Bank's Bt30bn Medium Term Note Programme (MTN) บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ 88 10 87
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