Investor Presentaiton
Energy: Expand existing efforts to enable mini-grid investments (II/III)
Initiative objective
Turn Plateau into an attractive hub for mini-grid energy donors and investors
Initiative Lead
E.5.1: Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Energy and Water Resources
Attract investors and donors
Partner with donors (e.g., GIZ) to train mini-grid energy
focal person on investor and donor relations
Develop a document with Plateau State Rural
Electrification Plan and collected data from pilots to
market mini-grid potential to investors and donors (e.g.,
Rockefeller, USAID's Power Africa)
Enable financing opportunities
Work with development banks (e.g., China's EXIM bank,
IFC1, BOI²), microfinance banks to provide access to mini-
grid financing (e.g., solar energy)
Training sessions for mini-grid
focal person
Robust marketing document for
investors and donors
Easier access to mini-grid
financing for investors, SMEs5,
households etc.
1. International Finance Corporation 2. Bank of Industry
Recommended timeline
3 months
12-15 months
6 months
Potential quick-win 164
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