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Investor Presentaiton

Paris Agreement & NDC Indonesia Indonesia has ratified the Paris Agreement into UU No. 16/2016 1. <2°C ויויויד NET ZERO EMISSIONS 2. 3. PARIS2015 IN MATE CHANGE CONCE COP21 CMP11 Limiting global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius and achieving net zero emissions by 2050 Increase resilience and adaptation to the impacts of climate change Aligning the world's financial flows with Paris Agreement Goal Emission Reduction Targets by Sector (MTon CO₂e) Submission of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to UNFCCC Through the NDC, Indonesia is committed to reducing GHG emissions from BaU levels in 2030 by: 29% through national efforts and 41% with International Support Climate Change Mitigation Financing Needs sector Emission Reduction Targets Forestry FORESTRY ENERGY & TRANSPORTATION WASTE AGRICULTURE IPPU Energy dan Transportation 29% 497 314 11 6 2.75 IPPU Waste 41% 650 398 26 4 3.25 Agriculture Total source: NDC Indonesia, KLHK (2016) Second Biennial Update Report (Rp trillion) 77,82 3.307,20 Roadmap NDC Mitigasi (Rp trillion) 93,28 3.500,00 40,77 0,92 30,34 181,40 5,18 4,04 3.461,31 3.779,63 source: Second Biennial Update Report (2018) & Roadmap NDC Mitigasi (2020)
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