Investor Presentaiton
Complementary offerings.
Product technology - robust and full portfolio of both electrochemical and
optical sensors
Geographies - ATi strong in the US and UK, while s::can has installed
product in 50 countries, with concentration in W. Europe and SE Asia
• Scale - customer relationships, inside sales, rep networks, distributors, for
greater ability to cross sell
• Coverage - combined solutions provide opportunities across all aspects of
the water eco-system – including water utilities, wastewater treatment and
industrial water applications
Long-term growth synergies
Quantity plus quality data parameters - online, near real-time via ORION®
Cellular radio
BEACONⓇ and EyeOnWaterⓇ to store, integrate, analyze and visualize
information providing holistic view of water network
Expanded international footprint/customer relationships for smart metering
Macro Trends Driving Applications
Potable water monitoring; optimize
water treatment and ensure safety
of water supply
Increased reporting mandates for
wastewater discharge
Heightened COVID-19 impact to
vulnerable populations - hospitals,
senior living, education
Corporate ESG reporting
Evolving to Smart Water Solutions Provider - On Demand / Real Time / Anywhere
O2021 Badger Meter, Inc.
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