Investor Presentaiton
2011 - 2012
Shane Smith
Financial Controller, Menzies
School of Health Research
"My two years as president during 2011 & 2012 had many
highlights including CPA Australia celebrating 125 years.
There were many events and activities, however upon
reflection the most memorable moment was Alex talking to
Neil Armstrong, with Neil talking though landing the lunar
module on the moon. Alex then asking Neil about decision
making and leadership during one of man's greatest
A local highlight was CPA Congress and the activities held
over the course of the 2 days, with 4 keynotes, 1 business
lunch, 4 master classes and 15 concurrent sessions with
big name presenters including Kevin Sheedy and Paul
The Department of Education and Family Services became
the NT's first Recognised Employer Partner.
NT Branch membership continued to grow and in 2012 NT
member numbers exceed 450. Yet for all the work done
more than 40% of NT members (at that time) had opted out
of receiving information about networking and CPD activity
via email."
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