Q3-24 ACT Investor Presentation slide image

Q3-24 ACT Investor Presentation

B2C - Delivering on our Customer Promise GET YOUR FAVORITES CIRCLE K Fuel Day ET Mobile CINCL CHIR Winning Fuel B2C value proposition RCLE K Achievements • National Fuel Days and events • First US fuel marketing campaign • Forecourt first initiatives • Easy payment options • FY24+ Initiatives Ongoing surprise and delight celebrations Direct relationships through Inner Circle and Extra programs Broader mobility offers Tailored pricing 1 Please refer to the "Non-IFRS Accounting Standards Measures" section of this presentation for additional information on performance measures not defined by IFRS Accounting Standards. More specifically, this slide should be read in conjunction with the "EBITDA ambition for fiscal 2028" section, which represents a non-IFRS Accounting Standards measure that is forward-looking information. FY2028 Ambition ~400 to 600 million in EBITDA1 Q3-24 ACT Investor Presentation CIRCLE ingo
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