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Investor Presentaiton

LSE THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE ☐ Canning House Towards Latin American Green Deals? Imperative High vulnerability to climate change as a result of export dependence on agriculture and fossil fuels High need for economic diversification across Latin America High inequality rates and the need for a alternative development model for decent jobs creation Anticipated shift in consumer demand towards sustainable products The current situation Very low R&D spending compared to other regions (1/3 of the world average), Lack of policy complementarity Regional clusters and supply chains? Low carbon innovation ecosystems A Latin American green new deal Opportunities & potential Increasing demand for electricity and renewable energy deployment, with potentially high socio-economic benefits Biodiversity endowment (Amazon region) Endowment in the 'minerals of the future' (e.g. lithium and copper) Future area of investigation Obstacles A considerable mobilisation of resources will be required. Political obstacles to regional integration Issues of regime continuity (regional vs national?) Countries starting from a different standpoint in terms of productive capabilities (Brazil vs the rest).
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