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Investor Presentaiton

A. Strategy of Sustainable Tourism Development (STDev) SOC FACTSHEET INDONESIA SC FACTSHEET INDONESIA SDGs FACTSHEET INDONESIA wonderful indonesia TUJUAN 8 • • GOAL 8 DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Holland se SUSTABLE DOPHENT GOALS CHAN 83.4% IN INDONESIA (2015) 3.4% 5% "By 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products" 11 Targets Challenges For Indonesia 1. Generating Foreign Exchange (Multiplier effect) 2. Best in Region TUJUAN 12 • GOAL 12 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND About 1.3 billion tons of FOOD PRODUCTION 团 SE DLOPENT GOALS Induced 13mm hned plan H LIGHTBULBS US$120 billion 1 billion people o not haOGEE TO dan waser KES 9.6 billion the equivalent of almost 3 PLANETS "by 2030 increase the economic benefits of SIDS (small Island developing states) and LDCs (less development country) from the sustainable use of marine resources, including through sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism" 11 Targets Challenges For Indonesia 1. Tourism Hub Country 2. Culture Tourism (People to People) Source: UNWTO - TUJUAN 14 • • GOAL 14 LIFE BELOW WATER Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development In 2011, about 54% of Indonesia's animal protein supply came hom fish andseafood. In 2012, the fishing industry accounted for 21% of Indonesia's agricultural economy and marine resources contributed 3% anually to the national GDP In 2011, over 6 million people in Indonesia were engaged in inland and marine fishing and fish farming. SIDHOP Indonesia is home to more than 20% (2.2 million hectares) of the world's mangroves forests, which are multi-fuctional ecosystems that nurture fishery and forest resources, mitigate coastal disasters and climate change, and accommodate vast biodiversity. Indonesia has 18% of the world's coral reefs, and is therefore the world's largest repository of marine life. Coral reefs are habitats for 90 percent of the fish caught by coastal fishers. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS "Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism which creates jobs, promotes local culture and products" 10 Targets Challenges For Indonesia 1. Indonesia Incorporated 2. Tourism Competitiveness (Marine & Archipelago) 8
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