Investor Presentaiton slide image

Investor Presentaiton

Ile-de-France Mobilités' missions and scope of operations 1.5 Mobility: who is responsible for what? Société du Grand Paris SGP GPE infrastructure finances GPE infrastructures orders GPE RS* is project manager on GPE infrastructure RATP ilede France mobilités Ile-de-France Mobilités chooses transport operators finances operating costs finances RS investments - - validates new infrastructures can be project manager on new infrastructures *îledeFrance Other funders of infrastructure Région Ile de France << Départements >> Yvelines Conseil général State hauts-de-seine LE DÉPARTEMENT VAL de MARNE Le département SEINE & MARNE 7 LE DÉPARTEMENT seine-Saint-Denis LE DÉPARTEMENT val d'oise le département 10 Investor presentation 2022 Ile-de-France Mobilités Essonne LE DÉPARTEMENT - TERRE D'AVENIRS SNCF KEOLIS transdev Transport operators operate order RS - can be project manager on new infrastructures *RS Rolling Stock îledeFrance mobilités
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