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Investor Presentaiton

INDEPENDENT DECLARATION OF VERIFICATION GRI 102-56 URE EAU Y VER RITAS ASSURANCE INTRODUCTION 1828 BUREAU VERITAS Bureau Veritas Certification Brasil (Bureau Veritas) was contracted by Rede D'Or São Luiz to conduct an independent verification of its 2021 Sustainability Report (hereinafter referred to as the Report). The information published in the report is the sole responsibility of the management of Rede D`Or São Luiz. Our responsibility is defined according to the scope below. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of this verification covered the Global Reporting Initiative TM standards and Principles1 for Sustainability Reporting and refers to the rendering of accounts for the period from January 1st to December 31st, 2021. RESPONSIBILITIES OF REDE D' OR AND BUREAU VERITAS The preparation, presentation and content of the Report are the sole responsibility of the management of Rede D`Or São Luiz. Bureau Veritas is responsible for providing an independent opinion to the interested parties, in accordance with the scope of work defined in this statement. METHODOLOGY The verification covered the following activities: 1. Interviews with those responsible for material topics and the content of the Report, including GRI indicators associated with material topics; 2. Analysis of documentary evidence provided by Rede D'Or São Luiz for the period covered by the Report (2021); 3. Evaluation of the systems used to compile data; 4. Analysis of engagement activities with interested parties (stakeholders) developed by Rede D'Or São Luiz; 5. Evaluation of the system used to determine the material aspects included in the Report, considering the context of sustainability and scope of the published information. The verification level adopted was Limited, according to the requirements of the ISAE 3000¹ standard, incorporated into Bureau Veritas' internal verification protocols. LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS Excluded from this verification was any assessment of information related to: Activities outside the reported period; Positioning statements (expressions of opinion, belief, objectives or future intentions) by Rede D'Or São Luiz: Accuracy of economic and financial data contained in this Report, extracted fromfinancial statements, verified by independent auditors; Inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 1. ISAE 3000: International Standard on Assurance Engagementss 219 REDE D'OR SÃO LUIZ | Annual Sustainability Report 2021 220
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