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Investor Presentaiton

54 54 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONTINUED 18. Classification of assets and liabilities continued Accounting classifications and fair values of assets and liabilities continued 2019 Assets Cash and balances with the central bank Derivative assets Trading assets Pledged assets Financial investments Loans and advances Other financial assets 3.4 Other non-financial assets4 Total assets Liabilities Derivative liabilities FVOCI FVTPL Note Held-for- trading N$'000 Designated FVTPL – at fair value N$'000 default N$'000 Debt instruments N$'000 123456 Equity instruments N$'000 STANDARD BANK NAMIBIA LIMITED Annual financial statements 2020 Other Total fair value N$'000 Amortised cost¹ N$'000 non-financial assets/ liabilities N$'000 Total carrying amount N$'000 Fair value² N$'000 787 698 149 910 268 177 580 098 1 852 559 2 075 524 787 698 724 676 149 910 268 177 580 098 1 512 374 1 512 374 149 910 149 910 268 177 580 098 268 177 580 098 3 928 083 54 754 3 982 837 3 982 837 26 262 826 26 262 826 27 174 075 1 126 150 1 126 150 1 352 454 1 352 454 998 185 2 640 257 2 075 524 5 713 966 28 168 406 1 352 454 35 234 826 142 511 14 881 2 328 818 26 007 151 1 591 344 1 591 344 142 511 14 881 2 328 818 26 007 151 142 511 14 881 2 328 818 26 071 317 1 052 916 55 398 1 534 487 55 398 1 534 487 157 392 157 392 29 982 711 1 534 487 31 674 590 Trading liabilities 13 Deposits and current accounts with banks 15 Deposits and current accounts with customers 15 Debt securities issued 16 23556 142 511 14 881 Other financial liabilities 3.5 Other non-financial liabilities5 Total liabilities 1 Includes financial assets and financial liabilities for which the carrying value has been adjusted for changes in the fair value due to designed hedge risks. 2 Carrying value has been used where it closely approximates fair values, excluding non-financial instruments. Refer to the fair value section in accounting policy 4 Fair value and key management assumptions for a description on how fair values are determined. 3 The fair value of other financial assets and liabilities approximates the carrying value due to their short-term nature. 4 This line has been updated to exclude other non-financial assets as per note 7 which were incorrectly inlcuded as part of other financial assets on the classification of assets and liabilities table. These are now included as part of other non-financial assets. There was no change to total assets. 5 This line has been updated to exclude other non-financial liabilities as per note 17 which were incorrectly inlcuded as part of other financial liabilities on the classification of assets and liabilities table. These are now included as part of other non-financial liabilities. There was no change to total liabilities. 55 55
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