Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

OPERATION STRATEGY IN THE AMAZON [EM-EP-160A.1] Anchored in our purpose of leaving a legacy of sustainability in the direct and indirect localities surrounding our operations, in 2020 we initiated analysis to better guide our strategy for operating in the Amazon. Our goal is to promote economic growth while providing incentives for conservation. We believe that the legacy of our operation depends on the development of new vocations that enable the reduction of inequalities and the perpetuity of social welfare in balance with the environment. The definition of our strategy considered, among others, studies led by Project Amazon 2030, a comprehensive diagnosis of the labor market in the Legal Amazon, and an analysis of activities that can drive regenerative, low-carbon economic development in the region. The studies revealed the existence of a relatively younger labor force than in the rest of Brazil, but with significantly lower rates of occupation and participation in the labor market, especially among people between 18 and 29 years old; and informality and dependence on income transfer programs. In this context, creating opportunities for insertion into the labor market in activities that are compatible with the forest represents a key element for reconciling forest preservation with economic growth, with greater generation of employment and income, and reduction of inequalities. The studies also indicated that the Amazon is already home to enterprises that produce products compatible with the forest in a competitive and efficient way, with an international market that moves more than US$170 billion per year, in which the region has a negligible participation. Our successful experience in the HortCanaã Agricultural Hub exemplifies that it is possible to achieve socioeconomic development while preserving the environment. The Amazon is one of the world's richest biomes, with great economic vocation for forestry. We will seek to strengthen this vocation through bioeconomy, with innovation in processes and/or products in production chains that use renewable biological resources, creating market opportunities for small businesses and encouraging forest conservation. Our proposal is to implement Agroforestry Systems, building on existing activities with already established markets. To this end, we will seek to establish partnerships to enhance and disseminate existing capabilities through access to knowledge about products and production techniques; support for entering local and global value chains, access to incentivized resources, market intelligence, and trade promotion campaigns; and promotion of an innovation agenda, with development of pilot projects that combine advanced technologies, practical training, and prototyping to strengthen entrepreneurship based on the bioeconomy. Project Amazon 2030 HortCanaã Agricultural Hub ABOUT THIS REPORT LETTER FROM MANAGEMENT ABOUT FIGHTING ENEVA COVID-19 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT [ENEVA 2020] INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL MANUFACTURED CAPITAL HUMAN CAPITAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL NATURAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX PAGE 33
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