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Investor Presentaiton

FAS² ONENESS Ph3 Clinical Trial Results - Superiority to SOC MRCT (US, China, Taiwan) in 236 subjects Primary endpoint- Incidence of Wound Closure1 Efficacy Endpoints Secondary Endpoint - Time to Complete Wound Closure Cumulated Incidence of Wound Closure Incidence of Wound Closure (%) 70 70 P=0.0001 60 60.7% 50 40 Probability of healing 1.0 Hazard Ratio 1.80 0.8 95% CI 1.23-2.65 P=0.002 0.6 0.4 70.0% 60.0% ON101 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% ON101, 60.7% Absorbent Dressing, 35.1% 35.1% 30 20.0% 0.2 Absorbent dressing 10.0% 0.0% 20 10 0 Wk2 (V3) Wk4 (V4) Wk6 (V5) Wk8 (V6) Wk10 (V7) Wk12 (V8) Wk14 (V9) Wk 16 (V10) 0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 • ON101 Time to complete healing, d • Absorbent Dressing No. at risk 0 122 vs 114 ON101 Absorbent dressing 114 122 122 112 119 111 113 101 104 93 888 87 86 87 78 76 29 72 34 69 47 ■ON101 Absorbent Dressing (16 wks) 1 wound closure: Per US FDA guidance, complete reepithelization without drainage or requirement of dressing for consecutive 2 weeks. 2Full analysis set ON101: Trade name - Fespixon | 12 SOC: Standard of Care
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