Investor Presentaiton
According to the European Economic Forecast, the Czech
economy benefited from the easing of the pandemic-
related restrictions and strong private consumption. Private
consumption is expected to remain the main driver of the
economic recovery, reflecting high employment levels, pent-
up demand, and a declining savings rate of households.
Due to uncertainty and ongoing disruptions in supply chains,
investment is expected to remain subdued during the first
half of the year. Afterwards, domestic demand is forecast
to resume its robust expansion over the rest of the forecast
horizon, also benefitting from public investment support
through Next Generation EU.
A stable and healthy banking sector with excess liquidity
is able to meet the financing needs of both domestic and
foreign investors with a minimal risk of losses such as the
pandemic or conflict.
Sources: ecfin_forecast_winter_2022_cz_en.pdf ( Economic forecast for Czechia | European Commission (
Macroeconomic Forecast - April 2022 | 2022 | Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic (
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