The Cretaceous Play Exploration Overview
Fan/Channel Play: Summary and Conclusions
✓ Cretaceous fans have been drilled on both sides of the Equatorial Atlantic margin and
contain hydrocarbons, however, commercial success has been elusive to date.
✗Our understanding of the play has changed through time; nevertheless, the basic
play elements are grounded on proven geological concepts.
The fan/channel play may work on a technical and commercial basis in some
geographies, while in others it will be very risky or likely will not work on a commercial
There are some fundamental differences in the fan/channel play between the
Equatorial Atlantic margins and the central North Atlantic/Caribbean that negatively
impact the POSg and POSC in those areas.
✓ The play concept is valid and may work for other geologic intervals; for example,
more emphasis should be given to the exploration for Pliocene-Eocene fan/channel
complexes offshore in other geographies: Trinidad, Colombia, Venezuela
(e.g., Corocoro Field), and Panama (northern arc)View entire presentation